Get your first connections

After you add your hotspot test it to make sure it works the way it should. Once you get your first connections the status of your hotspot will change from  (Hotspot pending) to   (Active) within about an hour.

How to test and gain the first connections:

Connect your smartphone to your WiFi equipment, which you recently configured and added to your SOCIFI Dashboard.

  • On iOS devices
    The Splash Page should be triggered automatically. If not, open your Safari (or other) browser and enter any URL running on http:// protocol.  At that moment, you should be redirected to SOCIFI Captive Portal.
  • On Android devices
    Open your favorite browser (and enter any  URL running on http:// protocol you want to visit. At that moment, you should be redirected to SOCIFI Captive Portal.

  • On Windows Phone devices
    The Splash Page should be triggered automatically. On some older devices, you will have to manually open Internet Explorer and enter any URL running on http:// protocol you want to visit. At that moment you should be redirected to SOCIFI Captive Portal.
  • Beware, some browsers, such as Opera, do not redirect the end user to the Captive portal and this function can't be affected anyhow.
  • Captive portal can't be triggered after entering URL started with https:// due to security reason.