Aruba (IAP virtual controller mode) configuration

Tested versions:

ModelTypeFirmware versionDescription
APIN0225Dualband AP + virtual controler6.3.1.4- known as W-AP225

Aruba (DELL) AP-220 series uses own captive portal. It is also possible to redirect to the external Splash page. Built-in Virtual Controller enables to manage more than one AP.

NOTE! You can add only 16 domain names to the WalledGarden. 
This limitation doesn't allow you to use social media logins (Facebook, Google+, Twitter). We cannot control this limit.

Basic setting

Default setting is DHCP client.  The system is open with default setting of WiFi for access to the AP. You need to reconfigure with built-in wizard in the web console. 

In the web console run wizard to set WiFi and captive portal. To launch wizard on select in the left top corner tab Network and add "New".

1. on the first tab WLAN Settings set:

Name (SSID) name of your WiFi network (visible to end user)

Primary usage select Guest

2. on the second tab VLAN select:

Client IP assignment select Virtual Controller managed

Client VLAN assignment Default

3. on the third tab Security follow:

Splash page type select External

Captive portal select New

Name:Socifi Portal Connect
Type:Radius Authentication
IP or
Use https:Disabled
Captive Portal failure:Deny internet
Automatic URL Whitelisting:Disabled
Redirect URL:keep empty

confirm with OK

WISPr keep Disabled

MAC authentication set Disabled

Auth server 1 select New

IP address:enter the appropriate RADIUS server by region
Auth port:1812
Accounting port:1813
Shared key:socifi
Retype key:socifi
Timeout:5 sec.
Retry count:3
RFC 3576:Disabled
NAS IP address:keep empty
NAS identifier:aruba
Dead time:5 min.
DRP IP:keep empty
DRP mask:keep empty
DRP VLAN:keep empty
DRP Gateway:keep empty

We recommend to use this set of RADIUS servers:

 List of RADIUS according to your location:
 For North America

RADIUS Server 1 or IP address:, Radius shared secret: socifi

RADIUS Server 2 or IP address:, Radius shared secret: socifi

 For Europe and Africa

RADIUS Server 1 or IP address:, Radius shared secret: socifi

RADIUS Server 2 or IP address:, Radius shared secret: socifi

 For Asia-Pacific

RADIUS Server 1 or IP address:, Radius shared secret: socifi

RADIUS Server 2 or IP address:, Radius shared secret: socifi

In order to have the Radius communication working fine, the IP addresses (above) and the ports 1812 Auth and 1813 Acc must be accessible.

confirm with OK

Auth server 2 select New

Setting the same as Auth server 1 just set as the secondary server.

Load balancing set Disabled

Reauth interval set 0 min.

Accounting select Enabled

Accounting mode set Authentication

Accounting interval set 0 min.

Blacklisting select Disable

Walled garden click on highlighted part open and set

If you are customer with White Label solution, please add your custom domain (for example to the Walled Garden list.

You can add only 16 domain names to the WalledGarden, this limits full functionality of SOCIFI. You cannot use the Social media login.

Disable if uplink type is do not select anything

Encryption set Disabled

Result is

4. on the fourth tab Access follow:

Access Rules select Unrestricted

Add a new hotspot to SOCIFI Dashboard

Step 1: Login to SOCIFI Dashboard

Step 2: Click on the "Hotspots" tab on the left sidebar

Step 3: Click on the “Add a new hotspot” button located on the top right corner on the screen (pictured below)

Note: A pop-up window will appear (below)

Step 4: Select the Wi-Fi hardware manufacturer from the drop down menu

Step 5: Enter the serial number or MAC address (depending on the specific equipment manual) of your equipment. You can add multiple hotspots at once.

Step 6: Set your Network location (this step is essential for correct ad targeting)

Step 7: In the pop-up window type your location or just move the marker on the map and click on the save button to confirm the selection. This address is used for ad GEO targeting.

Step 7: Click Save

Note: Newly added hotspot are marked as  (Hotspot pending). After the first user connects to the hotspot via SOCIFI, the status will automatically change and appear as  (Active) within an hour. Get your first connections to test if it works properly.