Export Session Data to CSV
Get the maximum from SOCIFI and import collected user data to many systems as Mailchimp, Salesforce.com or other popular systems. All user data from SOCIFI Dashboard can be easily exported as a universal CSV file.
Exporting data is simple:
- Go to SOCIFI Dashboard.
- On the top right corner, there is the Menu button.
Hover over the Menu button to see the tooltip for extended information.
Finally, click on "Export Users To CSV" and get CSV file with collected user data. Generating this report can take a while, depending on the number of records.
About the data
Each session in the CSV export is created immediately after a user opens the Captive Portal. Therefore, there might be rows without filled a phone number or connection type. It can be caused by several reasons:
- A user did not interact with the Captive Portal and didn't send a text message (If SMS Authentication is enabled)
- It is returning visitor who has been already authenticated by SMS last time. Therefore, the user is allowed to skip SMS Authentication because SOCIFI is able to recognize this user and merge his data with his phone number.
The phone verification is required only once per some period of time to improve user's UX and reduce your costs associated with SMS Authentication.