Ad details

When clicking on any of ads, Ad details pop up. Let’s check out what information we provide for each ad.

Ad details provide you with more information about the Ad with a possibility to adjust selected ad. In the right corner, you can find the action buttons. 

You can cancel Ad details window and do not save any changes by clicking on Cancel button.

Dropdown menu (on the right of cancel button) offers you to Archive this Ad or Create PDF Report. By "Archive this Ad" selection you archive the ad and in case it is still active the serving is stopped. Also, the Ad will not be present in the basic list of ads in Campaigns tab.

PDF Report provides you with basic information about the ad and its performance for selected time period.

Duplicate Ad - after you click on 'Duplicate Ad', the new copy of Ad will be created. 

Archive This Ad - after you click on 'Archive This Ad', the Ad will be Archived. 


Preview button displays the ad in default language or others if created and selected.

Under the ad title, a factual start and end date is displayed. The end date can be edited. For a selection of the desired term and its statistics, use the calendar on the right side.


Basic information is listed below such as Type of ad, Status and Activation slider. Note that activation is affected by End date!

Goal Amount and CPM are visible in case the ad is paid, i.e. displayed within SOCIFI Media Network (SMN).

Bellow you see analytical ad data, such as the number of Impressions, Reach, Clicks, Click-through rate and Frequency. While the ad is displayed within SMN, next figures such us Realized CMP and the Expenditure follow. The click-through rate is generally very high with SOCIFI thanks to great user experience.


Follows general ad setting that can be edited. After editing and saving the ad, Pending status is announcing you the process of changes. Pending status is changed into Healthy automatically in a few minutes.