Domain Name Settings (Android Workaround Switcher)
To enable your own domain name for Android Sign in to Wi-Fi Network Workaround please follow these steps
- Selected Domain should be short and easily typed in the browser's URL bar
- Selected Domain must not be hosted at Amazon Web Services neither at Akamai Services
- Selected Domain must not be listed in your Walled Garden Settings
How to test the functionality
If you are not sure about the functionality, please connect to the Wi-Fi thru the AP (hotspot) where SOCIFI is implemented.
- Make sure you are not authenticated to access the internet.
- Open your browser and type the domain name in the browser's URL bar.
- If you are redirected to SOCIFI, you are all set.
If you are not redirected to SOCIFI and you can see the content of the domain, you need to check if the domain is not in your Walled Garden Settings and not hosted at Amazon Web Services (AWS) nor at Akamai.